Fireworks for The King's Coronation 2023.

We've put together some assortments suitable for you to celebrate the King's Coronation this year. There are plenty of red, white, and blue effects along with some of our long-lasting single-ignition fireworks making the setting up and firing of these displays easy.

The King's Coronation displays.

If you are holding a Coronation party for your family or a small group of friends then have a look at either our assorted boxes which will contain a larger number of smaller fireworks but will give you a longer duration display or one of our special Coronation packs which will give you a smaller number of larger items for a shorter but more spectacular display.

If you are planning a community display then a selection of our Single Ignition Fireworks or one of our Complete Display Packs will provide you with a spectacular display to entertain a large number of people.

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