Ultimate Warrior Single Ignition Firework by Brothers Pyrotechnics
Ultimate Warrior is in the Skycrafter value for money range by Brothers Pyrotechnics and is one of the fireworks to benefit from the changes in firework regulations. The new European Standard for fireworks (CE marked products) has meant that some fireworks are a little bit louder than they were before. Ultimate Warrior is a single ignition firework that you can have to either end a firework display with, combine it with other single ignition fireworks in a large display or it is so good you can have it just on its own for an event such as a birthday party etc.
Ultimate Warrior fires a total of 60 shots, some fired singularly but others are fired five at a time in a salvo.
David & Sally's opinion - Ultimate Warrior was always good but the new specification version is even better. A serious contender in the single ignition market.
- 60 shot firework by Brothers Pyrotechnics.
- Duration around a minute.