
£79.99 £99.00
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  • Availability: Out stock
  • SKU: : FECK120ST
  • Type:: Single Ignition
  • Brand:: Zeus Fireworks


Stealth Low Noise Single Ignition by Zeus Fireworks Stealth is a popular low noise firework from Zeus Fireworks.  This 120 shot single ignition contains a huge variety of effects to entertain your audience.  Stealth starts with red, white and blue strobe mines and proceeds to a fabulous selection of effects including falling leaves, silverfish, tiger tails, comets, strobing waterfalls and horsetails and finishes with a stunning finale of crossettes - all in various colours.  With a duration of over 1 minute with its vertical and fan firing pattern, Stealth is a welcomed addition to our low noise firework selection and since its introduction has proven popular with our customers. David & Sally's opinion - Great to see a larger low noise firework with a good variety of colours and effects. Minimum viewing distance = 25m. Vertically and fan-fired display.