Rip & Roaring Buy 1 Get 1 Half Price
Rip & Roaring are 2 x 50 shot fireworks by Brothers Pyrotechnics. Each firework produces a different display so you can fire them one after each other without duplicating the effects. The shots in Rip and Roaring are fired from 20mm diameter tubes so produce a good sized burst. Each firework has a duration of around 25 seconds so you can appreciate and see in the video that these fireworks produce an intense display.
Although Rip & Roaring fall into the garden firework category of fireworks which makes them suitable for viewing from at least 8 metres, the displays they produce are good enough to have in much larger displays and we would have no hesitation in including them in displays costing several hundreds of pounds.
SRP £54.99 each - Buy 1 Get 1 Half Price = £82.48 for the 2 on our deal.
David & Sally's opinion - These fireworks are classed as garden fireworks and that has made them suitable for practically everyone (minimum viewing distance = 8m) and are incredibly popular. If you are having a back garden party and want some impressive fireworks make sure you have these.
- 50 shots per firework.
- Manufactured by Brothers Pyrotechnics.