Rampage 150 shot by Tai Pan Fireworks
Rampage is a 150 shot single ignition firework brought in to the UK under the Tai Pan brand name. Tai Pan is a brand name of Absolute Fireworks so straight away you know you are getting a quality firework. You get a lot of firework for your money with Rampage; there are 150 shots fired in around 90 seconds, so this is quite a long lasting single fuse firework. As well as a wide variety of coloured stars bursts there are whistles and wriggling fish effects ending with a crackling finale.
David & Sally's opinion -This is a great value long lasting cake with one burst after another over around one and a half minutes. There are a great variety of effects in Rampage with starbursts of various colours, whistles, crackles and wriggling tadpoles, in fact, almost every effect there is, all in one firework.
- A 150 shot single ignition firework.
- A wide variety of effects.
- Duration - around 90 seconds
- Spectacular finale shots.