Firebrand 50 shot by Black Cat Fireworks
Firebrand is a 50 shot single ignition firework by Black Cat Fireworks and fires a sequence of single and triple bursts over a minute.
As with many Black Cat fireworks, you'll find more unusual colours than the norm in Firebrand. There are purples and blues fired vertically interspersed with fan-shaped bursts of crackling gold stars.
Firebrand can be viewed from a minimum distance of 8 metres, however, such is the display quality from Firebrand you will still see the display even if the firework is 25 metres away.
Firebrand - 50 shots, duration approximately 60 seconds.
David & Sally's opinion - A bargain - at under £35 Firebrand is a great firework for the smaller garden and is ideal to end a display of garden fireworks with or to have on its own for an event such as New Year's Eve.
- Firebrand is from the Black Cat Fireworks range.
- Firebrand is a one minute single ignition firework
- Minimum viewing distance = 8m.