Excelsior Single Ignition Firework.

£124.99 £159.99
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  • Availability: Out stock
  • SKU: : *353166
  • Type:: Single Ignition
  • Brand:: Black Cat Fireworks


Excelsior Single Ignition Firework Excelsior is the large compound firework by Black Cat Fireworks. Black Cat was the first company in the UK to produce compound cakes made like this and now all UK firework importers are making their compound fireworks this way. What may you ask is a compound firework? A compound firework is a series of individual fireworks that have their fuses joined together so that you only have to light one fuse to get a long-lasting firework display. With Excelsior you get four fireworks fixed on to a board, so you just have to place the board on flat ground and light the fuse. The total number of shots in Excelsior is 186 which gives a duration of nearly two minutes. Excelsior not only contains a wide variety of colours and effects but also a variety of different firing patterns. Some stars are shot vertically, some in a fan shape and others in what is called a roaming fan or Z pattern where the effects are fired one after each other is a chasing effect. The big thing with Excelsior is that this firework whilst being quite large has been tested for viewing at a minimum distance of 8m making it suitable for many back gardens. We would though advise that as many of the effects are fired in a fan shape it would be aesthetically better to watch it from a greater distance. David & Sally's opinion - We think that Excelsior is one of the best fireworks of recent years. The 8m minimum viewing distance makes it suitable for lots of people. The fact that the four fireworks are fixed to a board and the fuses already linked together for you makes this an easy firework to set up and fire. Duration around 2 minutes. Made by Black cat Fireworks so you are sure of lots of different colours and effects compared to many other fireworks, plus there are quieter sections to the display as well.