Excellence 49 shot by Jonathan's Fireworks
Excellence is a 49 shot aerial barrage by Jonathan's Fireworks. Excellence is an all vertical firing firework which is good if you do not have a particularly wide firing area. Excellence fires 49 of the popular brocade effect, the brocade effect is the one where you get golden stars that hang in the sky and cascade downwards creating an umbrella-shaped burst. Normally fireworks of this size last quite a long time and fire their shots at a steady pace but Excellence fires its shots in rapid bursts of seven to create greater impact. with the final salvos having a crackling centre to them as well.
We think that Excellence by Jonathan's Firework will be an ideal addition to a selection of larger fireworks to add variety to the display.
David & Sally's opinion -
- Amazing firework at an amazing price.
- The rapid rate of firing and huge bursts of hanging gold stars will give your display a professional looking touch.